- Artikel-Nr.: 52287
E.Postkarte in Tinte mit Ort, Datum, Unterschrift GRAF VON WENGERSKY, Oberlt. im Rgt. Elisabeth signiert Charlottenburg, 3.I.1900
- an ARTHUR GRAF VON BERNSTORFF (1873-1949, später Hauptmann), Leutnant im Königin Elisabeth Garde Grenadier-Regiment No. 3..., Karlsruhe, dem er zur Verlobung beglückwünscht.
(Leutnant Arthur Graf v. Bernstorff of the Königin-Elisabeth Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 3.
Born 10 April 1873 at Sonderburg in Schleswig-Holstein, son of Oberstleutnant Magnus Graf v. Bernstorff (Bekleidungsamt IX. Armeekorps) and Sophie neé Hennecke. Left Groß-Lichterfelde as a char. Portepee-Fähnrich on 22 March 1892 and entered the Königin Elisabeth Garde-Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 3. Promoted to Portepee-Fähnrich on 18.10 1892 and commissioned on 20.5.1893. From 18 October 1896 to 30 September 1900 instructor at the Cadet School in Karlsruhe . Promoted Oberleutnant on 30.8.02 and assigned to the Embassy in Copenhagen from 1 April 1905 to 30 September 1909. Promoted to supernumerary Hauptmann on 27.1.10. and appointed as a company commander on 1 October 1911. He retired on 22 April 1912. Served during the War with Mobil.-Etappen-Kommandantur 5/G . Died in 1949.)